Workshops and Seminars organized under the Startup India Scheme
The Andaman & Nicobar Startup India portal was launched during the startup seminar on 5th July, 2019
The mentor also had a one-to-one mentoring, guiding startups on creation of their own business models ,minimum 10 startups.
Month | Session |
Timing 10:00AM -12:30PM | |
25th Nov.2020 | Session I Introduction to UT and Central Government Benefits for Startups This session will expand upon the process of obtaining DPIIT-recognition for startups which are registered but not recognized and the Government incentives and support available for recognized startups. |
2nd Dec(Wed) | Session II Funding Pathways for Startups This will be a critical session briefing startups on the basics of funding, modes of funding including angel investment, and key strategies to enhance investment readiness. It will also touch upon investor-relationship management and pitch-deck development |
9th Dec (Wed) | Session III Business Model Development This session will focus on the key elements of a business model along with case studies narrating the business model creation process. The mentor will also guide startups on creation of their own business models |
16th Dec (Wed) | Session IV Taxation/ Legal Issues Faced by Startups This session will be taken by Chartered Accountants and Lawyers and will cover the taxation and legal related compliances that startups need to be aware of. They will also cover special regulatory provisions for startups and how to utilize them for maximum benefit |
23rd Dec (Wed) | Session V Digital Marketing Essentials In light of the current pandemic, digital agility has become a critical aspect of startups staying relevant. This session will focus on the know-how for shifting an offline business to an online model along with various tools related to digital marketing which can be leveraged. Most importantly, there will be in-depth coverage of the key digital marketing strategies that startups will need to adopt to increase market reach |

To realize the dreams of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India towards Atman Nirbhar Bharat and to foster the intersection between innovation & Entrepreneurship while addressing the glitches being faced by the early stage startups, the Directorate of Industries in collaboration with Invest India Team(DPIIT), DBRAIT, ANIIDCO and ACCI Commenced a three days Startup Fest 2021 at the Conference of Directorate of Industries

As per the proposed schedule of the event, registrations for the event were invited from all the Colleges and Schools, the closing date for which was 28th February 2021. In response to which, ACCI received more than 100 applications. Phase of the exercise was held on 24th March, 2021.
Further the shortlisted candidates pitched their innovative ideas which were evaluated by the jury members consisting of Chairman Startup DBRAIT, Representative from ACCI and Assistant Director (Technical) from Directorate of Industries. Thereafter, certificate of participation were distributed to the participants.
Based on the evaluation of the Jury members eight participants were selected for final PITCHING
The final event is proposed to organized virtually due to ongoing pandemic wherein the best innovations would be selected and awarded.

Day & Time | Topic | Resource Person |
June 8th 11:00AM to 12:00PM | Role of Incubation Centre for Startups and Developing Entrepreneurship | Rakesh Rajiv – • Rakesh is Senior Incubation Manager at Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), the technology business incubator at IIT Bombay. • Rakesh leads the incubation activities & external national and international programs at SINE, and have closely worked with 100+ startups |
June 9 th 11:00AM to 12:00PM | Ethereum Technology Powering Blockchain Startups | Professor Dr. Gururaj H L ACM Distinguished Speaker & Associate Professor,Faculty Sponsor, VVCE ACM Student Chapter ( Editorial Board Member- Inderscience International Journal of Block Chain and Cryptocurrencies Coordinator-Wireless inter Networking Group ( Computer Science and Engineering VVCE, Mysuru-570 002 |
12:00PM to 1:00PM | Q&A/One to one Session with Interested Startups | |
June 10th 11:00AM to 12:00PM | Compliances under Companies Act and New business relaxation for Startups | Anisa Bawari Senior Associate at Khaitan legal Associates |
12:00PM to 1:00PM | Q&A/One to one Session with Interested Startups |

Under the aegis of the ongoing ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations to commemorate 75 years of progressive India, the directorate of industries in collaboration with the Startup India and DPIIT, ministry of commerce and Industry organized an event ‘Role of Startups in building Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ on 25th September 2021 in the Conference Hall of the Directorate Of Industries, Andaman &Nicobar Administration. The event which was attended by more than 50 participants included the DPIIT recognized startups of the islands as well as entrepreneurs aspirant to becoming a startup.
In the course of the event, the participants were motivated and it was explained that the startups have an essential role to play in the wake of upcoming direct exports from Andaman and Nicobar Islands while emphasizing startups contribution in trade sector, opportunities in Agricultural Sector.
The event was carried on further with technical presentations from NABARD detailing the benefits available for startups. Technical presentation by ICAR-CIARI explaining the opportunities for startups in Agricultural Sector and making of innovative business plans, while the representative from Startup India DPIIT, New Delhi presented the benefits and schemes of the Govt. of India for the Startups and explained the process and steps to be taken to get recognized and become a certified startup.

Under the aegis of the ongoing ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of its people, culture and achievements, the Directorate of Industries, A & N Administration in collaboration Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Dollygunj, Port Blair organized an event ‘Startup Bootcamp 2022’ on 7th May, 2022 in the Conference Hall of the Directorate Of Industries, Andaman & Nicobar Administration.
Ihe event was attended by more than 120 participants including final year college students as well as entrepreneurs aspirant towards becoming a successful startup.

The Directorate of Industries, Andaman and Nicobar Administration organized a ‘Startup Pitching Session and Open Forum Discussion’ on 30th September, 2022 in the Conference Hall of Industries Department.
The event saw an overwhelming response from the students of various colleges of these Islands wherein, the students pitched their ideas and innovations. The young entrepreneurs came up with unique solutions and business models in the open pitching sessions from all sectors that included agriculture, IT, handicrafts etc.
The afternoon session further advanced into the convening of an Open Forum Discussion in which all major stakeholder Departments of the Administration viz. Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, APWD, PBMC, ANIIDCO Ltd., Banks, IP & T, ACCI and ICAR-CIARI were invited and the DPIIT recognized startups pitched their products and ideas before the Administration. The Open Forum discussion witnessed a space where startups shared constructive criticism and praise alike.

The Directorate of Industries, Andaman and Nicobar Administration organized “Startup Mela” to provide Startups a platform to showcase & market their products at a pavilion especially erected in the Parking Lot of the ANE-Sagarika of the Department at Middle Point, Port Blair, a prominent visitor destination of A&N Islands, from 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM from 9th to 12th November, 2022.
M/s Unseen Andaman Pvt. Ltd. & M/s Farmshelf Island Agrotech Pvt. were selected to showcase & market their products. The Startup Mela was inaugurated by Shri Abhishek Bhukal, DANICS, Director of Industries who appreciated the products of the Startup and advised them not only to utilize the platform to showcase & market their products but also to introspect and obtain the views of the visitors for development and improvement of the service or product provided by them.

Organized XR Startup Program Virtual Roadshow on 20/10/2022 in association with Atal Incubation Centre-Sikkim Manipal University Technology Business Incubation Organised by AIC-SMUTBI with DBRAIT as ecosystem partner. Ms Prachi Bhatia, Meta, India, formerly Facebook Inc, and Prof Tej Chingtham, CEO, AIC-SMUTBI were the Keynote speakers on the occassion.
Attended by representative from Delloite, student innovators, Startup Founders and Faculty members from many institutes and Universities from Eastern India including DBRAIT, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, ICFAI Tripura, Manipal University Mangalore, Amity Jharkhand
DBRAIT co-hosted an exclusive event "StartupsXchange Launchpad" as Event Outreach Partner in these Islands for Women entrepreneurs with 10000startupsindia (10KSI), a community comprising 1000+ entrepreneurs, 300+ angel investors, 100+ VCs & PE funds, 100+ CXOs, 300+ mentors, and India's leading incubation centers and Ecells like IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, Pune Startup Fest, Atal Incubation Centers (AIC), India Blockchain Alliance and many more.

Intellectual Property Rights Awareness Programme (NIPAM) organized through online mode@ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Port Blair Hosted by IPO KOLKATA. More than 50 faculties and students participated in the program.

First ever Student Startup registered and recognized by DPIIT, GoI. VYASN LLP, DINESH LAL (DIRECTOR), SOURAB CHAKRABORTI (DIRECTOR), students of BTech CSE Final Year.
02 teams have applied for the XR Startup Program in its two components – the Accelerator and Grand Challenge at National Level – which are attempting to support early-stage startups and innovators keen on building XR tech and solutions.
- Prepared and Submitted Road Map for Implementation of NEP2020 in DBRAIT – June 2022
- DBRAIT Registered as Host Institute for MSME portal under GoI, for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs through Incubators.

- Starting of Incubation Facility at DBRAIT
- To organize National Level Start-up fest at DBRAIT.